Author Guidelines
- The manuscripts accepted after the reviewing process will be allocated in the WVC 2014 Proceedings.
Submission Instructions
- The manuscript must be submitted electronically, as a PDF file. Open in April, 01
- The conference accepts articles written in English or Portuguese, but the manuscript title and abstract must be written in English.
- The abstract should containing no more than 150 words, and the manuscript total length should not exceed 6 pages.
- The manuscripts should be formatted using the IEEE templates, which are blind-submission review-formatted templates ( link for the templates ).
- This year the management of the conference submissions will be held by the CMT - Conference Management Toolkit , sponsored by Microsoft Research.
- For submissions, you should create a user account on the CMT paper submission site (see additional instructions):
- WVC 2014 reviewing is double blind, in that authors do not know the names of the area chair/reviewers of their papers, and area chairs/reviewers do not know the names of the authors.
- Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs).
- Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines will lead to rejection without review.
- By submitting a manuscript to WVC 2014, the authors guarantee that it has not been previously published (or accepted for publication) in substantially similar form.
- It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that all authors on their paper have registered their conflicts into JEMS website. Conflicts are needed to resolve assignments to both reviewers and area chairs.